The EdgeAllTM


  • Flat, narrow 8" striking blade ideal for installing sprinkler systems, landscape lighting, walkways made of stone and brick pavers.
  • Square shaped blade creates a straight edge on sides and bottom of trench; better than scalloped edges that result from using a shovel.
  • Designed for breaking ground and digging in tight areas machines can't reach.
  • Striking power maximized with 12 lb., solid steel construction of handle and striking blade; user can apply muscle where it's needed most.
  • 53" handle length enhances two-hand control and ability to strike the target accurately.
  • Ideal for breaking hard ground, rocks, tile and ice.
  • Perfect tool for edging lawns and landscaped beds.

View our Application: "Quick Edging Project"

VB V & B Manufacturing Company - Walnut Ridge, AR